Full Stack Technology
StockWatch is a startup product that sells high-quality weekly merchandise reports in super markets for suppliers.
View Work


User Experience Designer
July 2018
2 Weeks


Collaborated with
1 Product Manager
1 iOS Developer

What Made Me Unique

Sole UX Designer on the team and was able to understand technical restrictions easily, due to Computer Science background.

Key Responsibilities

Led the design for the StockWatch iOS app, collaborated with a product management intern to brainstorm new features to improve the surveying experience and quality, and prototyped mockup of the applcation.

User Research

Conducted user interviews to understand current process, Android application, and pain points


Brainstorm features with product management intern to improve application and process


Designed hi-fidelity prototype to handoff to the iOS developer


Currently StockWatch surveyors use a beta version of the Android application to fill out merchandising reports and surveys for products. With the introduction of the application, the client (owner of StockWatch) has noticed a reduction of quality.


The challenge statement of the project was —

How might we design an application for surveyors to provide more insightful surveys and reports?


The project was scoped for 2 weeks with the first week dedicated to research and the second week dedicated to prototyping.

User Research

The first week of the project was dedicated to user research. The team was onboarded to the project with a brief about the company, its processes, and how the current Android application works.


The application that our team was building was for the surveyors, but long-term would also ideally incorporate the product supplliers as well. There were 4 main roles that were a part of the end-to-end surveying process.




  • Travel to stores that contain supplier's products
  • Create merchandise reports based on store's displays


Product Supplier


  • Provide surveyors and stores with planograms
  • Contact store managers if survey reports poor merchandising displays


Store Manager


  • Arrange supplier's products according to planograms
  • Fix merchandising displays if not up to standards

Current Process

The first step was understanding the end-to-end process of a merchandising report. There are 3 phases of the process: setting up the display, merchandising survey, and reviewing merchanding reports.

The scope for the application is to focus on the surveyor's experience of filling out the merchandising reports in phase 2

Current Application

I analyzed the current Android application to understand how surveyors are using the

User Interviews

Unfortunately due to budget and time constrainst, I was only able to interview 2 surveyors to understand more about the current process and its pain points.

Key insights include:

  • Surveyors are not tech savvy
  • Surveyors have uploaded old photos, instead of live photos of products
  • Surveyors are unaware of store promotions when surveying products
  • Surveyors are not fully completing surveys on accident
  • Surveyors are not providing quality surveys


Information Architecture

Before creating the actual wireframes, I created a new IA diagram with the solutions to the pain points.

Solutions included

  • Removing 'Upload Photo' option to prevent surveyors from uploading old photos and faking surveys
  • Displaying store promotions in the app when filling survey for awareness
  • Tracker to display the amount of questions answered to know when a survey has been finished
  • Display previous survey answers to track trends
  • Additional comment feature for surveyors to provide additional insight


I did ~3 iterations of wireframes and testing/reviews with the client, before finalizing the wireframes.

Final Product

Below are some screens that were approved by the client and handed off to the developers.